Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick or Treat

Saturday, October 30
What a fun day - Tara brought her pumpkin over and carved it while I worked on making Christmas gifts (sorry no pictures of that!) and then she worked on her gift too. Lynella, well, she just watched and made a lot of noise on her high chair....................

VERY Serious Stuff!!


And THEN came the scary stuff..............
We went for a walk.  Just down the street from me is this house decorated for Halloween.  I walk past this house everyday on my way to the bus and everyday there is something new added to the yard.  Today we talked to the lady that lives there, she says the decorating is done, but she's working on carving 30 pumpkins for Sunday - 30 pumpkins!!  I will try to get another picture with the pumpkins all lit up.......but here are some of the decorations - I could've taken a hundred pictures I'm sure - everywhere you look there is something!! And sorry, it was the end of the day, the sun was shining into the yard, so the pictures are not all that great, but hopefully you'll get the effect...........

The spiders on the hedge are huge!

                                                            Heads on bloody stakes...

Mummy hanging from a tree.....

Spider webs everywhere.....

and a singing skeleton.........

little details everywhere - mice running down the bloody stakes

detail - everywhere!

the kids have to walk through this to get their treats....

and of course the bride and groom!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Super Sizzling Saturday

Saturday morning - started out frosty and crisp but what a fun day and it ended up being super sizzling and delicious!!   One of my best friends in the whole world and her daughter came up for a day of shopping - Deb and Jacey.  We started out at Chinook Centre at Chapters and a Starbucks treat to the Farmer's Market at Curry Barracks to Signal Hill Shopping Centre - Michaels, Roots, Canadian Tire and London Drugs.  Sounds a little boring - but nothing is boring with these 2!!   I really wish I could download the picture on my phone - of Jacey carrying 8 rolls of lawn edging on her arms - like a robot, 4 on each arm and she walked around with her arms up in the air laughing!! 
We ended up at my place for supper before Deb and Jacey went to "Kooza", a show by Cirque de Soleil.  Wade and Tara and Lynella joined us for some Hot Stone Grilling.  It was so much fun and so delicious with fresh veggies from the market and marinated beef and chicken.  We even tried some apples and brown sugar for the dessert - YUMMY!! 

And Lynella played so content all by herself on the floor
                                  Thanks for coming Deb and Jacey - let's do it again sometime!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Lynella Saturday morning

Tara left Lynella with me on Saturday morning while she went shopping - what a treat!!  She's almost sitting up - she smiles every time you look at her and her giggles are the sweetest!  A real "cheer-er-up-er"!!  Here's a few photo's I took..................

Isn't she the sweetest thing - Wade and Tara, you make cute babies!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I was in Radville, SK on the long weekend for my home town's 100th Birthday and Home-coming.  It was a lot of fun, but the most amazing was buying popcorn and candy again at Eva's Popcorn Stand.  Some of my best childhood memories are of standing on the old coke boxes and picking out penny and nickle candies and spending every penny of the 50 cents we got to spend!  The replica is exactly like the old stand right down to the little tray that Eva used to put the candies on as you picked them out! 

Here was the first glimpse of it:

Wendy stood in line for popcorn only to find out they were already sold out - this was the first night!

Later Dory got popcorn and "one each of the little candies and oh, some Popeye cigarettes"!!
No longer only 50 cents, it cost her $2.50!!   (Garnet and Michael are watching)

And there around the corner at the other window was Sue!! 

Friday, July 23, 2010

I am experimenting here - I was told to add this Zemanta, but not too sure what it does!
Enhanced by Zemanta

Friday, July 9, 2010

Look what I did on my day off......

This is what I started with - an old blue pot with an old clay bottom from another pot....

Add a little red spray paint........

and a cute little plant.......and voila!
Hey - my daughter's talent came from somewhere!!

Meet Moxie's new friend - Finn

This is Finn - our friendly neighbour-dog. He loves Moxie and peeks in to say hello every day.